‘크립토 이코노미’ 세미나 2 – 2장. Evolution of Economics

이번 세미나에서는 1부 2장 Evolution of Economics를 다룹니다.


Chapter 2. Evolution of Economics

전통 경제학에서 정보 경제학으로 더 나아가 탈중앙 디지털 경제로의 변화와, 이런 변화에 따른 경제학의 역할이라는 관점을 가지고 본문을 전체적으로 한 번 읽어 봅니다.

아래 요약한 내용을 다시 한 번 읽어 봅니다. 강조한 부분은 주의를 좀 더 기울여 여러 번 반복해서 읽어 봅니다.

  • Economics is a science. It primarily examines how decisions are made and which alternatives provide the greatest benefits to various stakeholders. It has always been, and continues to be, about the study of allocation of scarce resources (behaviours). One of the key differences in token economics is to create rules around the allocation of scare resources to affect people’s behaviours. We can enforce these rules through incentives and disincentives (punishments).
  • The information economy will continue to flourish and grow, but there is a new contender in the space: decentralised digital economies. With the digital space moving into decentralised organisations, new issues, variables and problems arise, resulting in decentralised digital economies. One key challenge is to coordinate decentralised organisations. This is difficult, because everyone has different incentives, objectives and preferences. How can we align them? How can we coordinate agreement between such organisations? These are some of the problems we aim to solve with economics and tokens.
  • Technology has changed the way economic principles are being applied. The good news is that fundamental economic principles do not change.
About the Author
(주)뉴테크프라임 대표 김현남입니다. 저에 대해 좀 더 알기를 원하시는 분은 아래 링크를 참조하세요. http://www.umlcert.com/kimhn/

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